I have information that can cure or expel some of the BWs loose in the environment which cause visible marks on the skin, organ issues, etc.
What you get?
1. The data I currently have, which is literally keeping me and my family alive. (expells or kills most of the items listed in 1-15 list at the bottom.
2. Access to future data should I find the funding to continue research.
3. Data discovered before the CDC and NIH have it for the strategy linked below.
4. Samples of pills and gels used for treatment and video instructions on how to create it at home / in the field or in a lab.
Where are the BW are coming from? Information was released on the Internet about how to easily create them with very little skill or training in 2006. We held back the weapons from 2007 until November 13th, 2018. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7150198/
1. Black dots with black rings on skin
2. White dots or blotches on skin
3. White dots with black rings on skin
4. Worms under skin, in ears, ear lobes, around eyes
5. Persistent darkness around eyes with no way to cure
6. Hip pain, especially when walking
7. Finger joint pain
8. Sharp pain upper left chest/lung
9. High creatinine levels (misdiagnosed as kidney disease, without other signs of kidney disease)
10. Mycotoxins, only detectable with medical test Mycotox-GPL urine test / mycotoxin test
11. Worsening illness after being prescribed oral steroid or steroid inhaler
12. Death due to lung failure
13. Sudden illness or death of a person in great physical condition; long distance runner, swimmer, etc.
14. Migraine headaches that cannot be affected by most medication
15. Black dots on genitals after buying new underwear
16. Required penile amputation due to infection
17. White dots on skin after wearing recently washed clothes
18. Wounds that won’t heal
19. Ring shaped infections of the scalp
20. Multiple breakthrough C19 infections after vaccine and booster
21. Low blood oxygen level with no apparent infections
22. Vitamin deficiency with no apparent infections
23. White marks on nails, nails separating from nail bed
24. Multiple heart attacks with no apparent cause
25. Multiple aneurysms or stokes with no apparent cause
26. Death of a relative with no detectable cause
27. Brain death of a child under 5 years old with no detectable cause
Doctors have no idea how to diagnose and treat BWs and related infections. Only people with "kill switch" information and survival experience will know what to do. The government is completely unprepared to deal with the situation and will fire or retire anyone who tries to present the information in order to make sure it does not effect elections.
Long details & links below:
Visible symptoms on body:
White spots or blotches - Commonly misdiagnosed as vitiligo, which is not a real disease, but one of the first BWs ever discovered. See NIH data: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1200695/ (see infection photos that show how bad it can get) The version of the BW loose today is a GMO version of the 1796 BW, but combined with and spread using airborne mold/fungus spores. The information released on the Internet on how to create a BW using fungus was released on the Internet in 2006. We stopped major outbreaks of multiple diseases from 2007 until November 13th, 2018. Now, there are 15 major weapons loose in the environment, most spread using a fungal carrier spore.
The information I have can kill or expel the spores from the body and skin. If not expelled or killed, the spores eventually reduce the level of vitamin D the body can produce, consume most of the vitamin A in the body, and depletes selenium. Those seemingly mild changes to the body eventually causes several small heart attacks that are eventually fatal in about 3 years, or multiple strokes, aneurysms, or lung failure.
Other symptoms: Hip joint pain, especially while walking, finger joint pain, serious headaches every day that cannot be cured with medication, sudden death or illness of an extremely healthy person who is a long-distance runner, swimmer, etc.
Black dots on skin or black dot ringworm fungus:
This is a GMO form of ring worm that can also cause the situation mentioned above. However, it primarily infects darker skin that is super rich in vitamin A. It may eventually be fatal in 2 to 5 years, and mimics "normal" fungal infection. However, the black dots are persistent and resistant to medication, heat up to 400 to 450 degrees, chlorine, acid, UV light, soap, ammonia, etc. It is commonly found in new clothing in the supply chain coming from anywhere in Asia. This BW can infect outdoor environments, plants, crops, human bodies (skin, muscle, and organs), etc. Genital infections occur because these are in most new underwear. Worse cases require penile amputation or other surgeries. (YES THIS IS REAL AND SERIOUS)
Black and brown worms under skin of palms and bottoms of feet:
Sometimes people feel like something is moving under their skin, but it's not visible. Someone has combined heart worm larvae with fungal DNA, producing a worm that can be spread using fungal spores. The worms grow in the ears, ear lobes, around eyes, palms of hands, bottoms of feet, etc. and are known to cause thick scale, often mistaken for dead skin, to grow on hands and feet. It may feel like something holding your hands slightly closed or that the skin is so tight you can no longer fully open your hand. the worms can be a few milometers and can grow to about 15 feet. If they enter the heart, they cause heart attacks. However, they can be parasites that absorb nutrients directly from blood and tissue. Vitamin deficiencies can occur, which causes white spots on nails, cracked bones, and other issues that are caused by vitamin deficiencies. The condition is eventually fatal, but it will appear that the person died form natural causes.
When attacked, this worm/spore can contract and consume parts of itself, forming a heard rock like shell, wait under the skin for months, then reemerge. Look for bumps on skin that last way longer than normal pimples or sores that won't heal even for weeks to months.
The government is aware that we are under attack, but does not publicize exactly what is happening to protect elections. The agencies that are supposed to protect us are largely dysfunctional and politicized.
Unfortunately, the BW is advancing far faster than the government is moving. Now there are people combining GMO fungal BW with GMO larval organisms such as heart worms that can be spread by fungal spores that are less than 1 micron. That means they can penetrate MERV 16 filters, commonly used to protect the president.
The data I have deals with the following 15 BW/issues:
1. C19 GMO Variants carried by fungal spores- ALTERED IN INFECT MOST Species, causes lung failure, death through long-term disability – Global (How defeat the spores to stop the C19 – data I have) 2. Pathogenic GMO white fungus airborne and waterborne with black worm larvae, hand and foot scale, causes heart attacks, lung failure, found in industrial plant emissions San Rafael CA, plants infected through Jetstream air from Asia, UV immune, in supply chain on cardboard and plastic. GMO Candida Auris 3. GMO fungus white spot skin infection symptom (targets blacks), causes multiple organ failures through vitamin deficiencies, D, A,C,E 4. GMO Fungus black dot ringworm, targets dark skin rich in vitamin A, but affects 30% of white population, causes high creatinine, kidney failure, skin infection, alters DNA to induce Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and other genetic disorders. Reduces or eliminates fertility. Mycotoxins in urine (medical test with MYCOTOX-GPL URINE TEST – AVAILABLE BY MAIL ORDER). https://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/gplmycotox Heat immune to 450 degrees F, bonds with plastic, infects skin, internal organs, acid resistant. Injects C19 and other GMO viruses through skin up to 3mm deep, INCREASES INFECTIONS FOR DARK SKINNED PEOPLE, infection found in fast food supply, HVAC, airports, etc. Infects paper targeting vitamin A in wood based products. Infects ear drum causes hearing loss. Infects nasal cavity, reduces mucus production by depleting vitamin A. Global https://www.axios.com/2022/07/24/bio-weapons-target-us-joni-ernst-jason-crow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_bioweapon
In 1997, U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen referred to the concept of an ethnic bioweapon as a possible risk.[1] In 1998 some biological weapon experts considered such a "genetic weapon" plausible, and believed the former Soviet Union had undertaken some research on the influence of various substances on human genes.[2]
In its 2000 policy paper Rebuilding America's Defenses, think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC) described ethnic bioweapons as a "politically useful tool" that US adversaries could have incentive to develop and utilize.[3]
The possibility of a "genetic bomb" is presented in Vincent Sarich's and Frank Miele's book, Race: The Reality of Human Differences, published in 2004. These authors view such weapons as technically feasible but not very likely to be used. (page 248 of paperback edition.)
In 2004, The Guardian reported that the British Medical Association (BMA) considered bioweapons designed to target certain ethnic groups as a possibility, and highlighted problems that advances in science for such things as "treatment to Alzheimer's and other debilitating diseases could also be used for malign purposes".[4]
In 2005, the official view of the International Committee of the Red Cross was "The potential to target a particular ethnic group with a biological agent is probably not far off. These scenarios are not the product of the ICRC's imagination but have either occurred or been identified by countless independent and governmental experts."[5]
In 2008, the US government held a congressional committee, ‘Genetics and other human modification technologies: sensible international regulation or a new kind of arms race?’, during which it was discussed how “we can anticipate a world where rogue (and even not-so-rogue) states and non-state actors attempt to manipulate human genetics in ways that will horrify us”.[6]
5. GMO white dot ringworm BW - Infects plastic and cardboard in supply chain. Fast growing skin infection, causes vitamin deficiencies, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, attracted to melanin vitamin A dark surfaces, biogenic adaptive, auto mutate with GMO corn mold, heat resistant to 300 degrees F, heavy infections at airports on seating surfaces, injects disease through skin 6. GMO Stachybotys, HVAC infection and mass spread. High creatinine, shortness of breath, lung failure - Global 7. GMO bubonic plague - deliberate infection through release of mice. Infection spreads through HVAC odors carrying particles. Tracking on cdc.gov, data 2 years delayed see D drive 3 latest data. Mission Ave air data. Arizona outbreak - don't go there (spreading in the west by Swedish mice) https://www.cdc.gov/plague/index.html https://www.cdc.gov/plague/maps/index.html 8. GMO aspergillus HVAC infection - see Washington state data, Seattle Children's Hospital deaths (officials still have not figured out the BW and that it comes from outside) https://www.cbsnews.com/news/seattle-childrens-hospital-baby-death-mold-infection-beth-hutt/ 9. Multi-Pox GMO virus, shingles, chicken, cow, monkey, unclassified pox - skin infections, lung failure, skin infection, cancer, other, black skin targeting gene failure, targets all 10. Polio GMO NYC outbreak - don't go there, multiple versions loose – can only attack carrier fungus so far with existing data https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/polio-detected-in-another-ny-countys-wastewater-this-month-as-virus-spreads/3840567/ 11. Candida Aurus GMO BW Nevada outbreak - don't go there (NO CURE FOUND YET – NEED RESEARCH AND MORE DATA) 12. Unknown source of hydrogen sulfide contaminated with biogenic fungus Richmond, San Rafael CA 13. Lethal levels of formaldehyde carrying fungal pathogens usually held back by tree toxins, fungal infection under investigation (REQUIRES RESPIRATOR CONFIGURATION – SEE WHITE PROTOCOL 1) https://www.chemistryviews.org/details/ezine/11219960/Formaldehyde_Protects_Fungi_Against_Pathogens/ 14. Algae with GMO Cyanobacteria agricultural BW, red algae forming from human waste containing BW (illegal dumping NY SF Bay https://www.epa.gov/nutrientpollution/harmful-algal-blooms 15. Beware blighted fruit - GMO biogenic Fungal weapons - Midwest outbreak https://www.envirologix.com/2019-fusarium-head-blight-wheat-us/
What we need to do further research (cost estimate $55,000,000)
1. 5 Regional land bases than can refuel and resupply 5 mobile Semi Truck labs $25,000,000
2. 5 Custom air seal-able Semi Truck labs, mobile air particle analyzers, etc. $15,000,000
3. R&D for a new type of air filter & air particle analyzer that can detect and kill BW before they infect HVAC systems, buildings, etc. $1,000,000
4. Labor $6,000,000
5. Lab equipment & supplies, electron microscopes, computers, mass spectrometers, inverters, solar panels, metal buildings, etc. $8,000,000